Helen Youn

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10 Tips For A Clutter-Free Home

June 11, 2021

A home does not stay tidy on their own. These are what I do in my home to maintain a tidy and clutter-free home so I hope they will help your home spark joy as well.

1. Everything must have a home

This means designating a spot to store every single item you own and anything new that comes into your life must have a home. This is important because you need to know where to put this item when you’re done with it so that it doesn’t become clutter. This is also something I think about before buying an item. I ask myself where it’ll live and if I am not sure about the size, I’ll measure it to make sure it’ll fit or if I need to let go of something. Sometimes I don’t want to let go of any items so I don’t end up buying it. This is a helpful tip to implement with your kids. When they want to toy, ask them where will it go? Do we need to let go of anything before this item will have a home?

2. Look at your mail immediate

Paper clutter can be stressful and overwhelming so you want to stay on top of it regularly. When the mail comes, look at it immediate. 95% of it will likely be going straight to the recycling bin. Take everything out of the envelope and keep only the pages you need. you can set up a pending box to store the paper you still need to deal with. Once you’re done with it, recycle or file it. Better yet, go paperless wherever possible

3. Make your bed every morning

Your bed takes up so much visual space in your room. Making your bed will be the quickest way to tidy up a large space in addition to so many other benefits. Personally, I find clutter attracts clutter. Mess attracts mess. Once your bed is made, you’re less likely to throw stuff on top of it. 

4. Keep your counters clear

One of my goals when I work with people is to have clear counters whereever possible. This includes Putting away your small appliances in your kitchen and toiletries in your bathroom. Clear counters are not just for pretty photos! It is possible to live with clear counters and you should definitely aim for that.

5. Daily and weekly resets

This means everyday before you leave your house or at night before you sleep, look around and put things back in their homes. This is something everyone in the family should do because it is not just your responsibility to keep a tidy home. Once again, that is also why its important everything has a home so anyone in the family would know where to put something back to.

6. Put away clean laundry immediately

Laundry has to be folded and hung on hangers and put away before you go to bed. Another reason why it’s important everyone has to pitch in and fold their clothes. Kids as young as 3 can start learning to fold.

7. Have a place for your worn but not dirty clothes

People always ask me about things that they want to wear a few times before washing. If you’re ok with putting them back with your clean clothes, then do that. If not, then have a space for it. For me, for clothing that I hang on hangers, I put them back in the closet but I feel weird folding worn clothes and put them back in the drawers so I have a bin on my shelf for that purpose. My husband has one too. You can find something that sparks joy for you but don’t pile it on top of your chair. 

8. Unload the dishwasher first thing in the morning

This is something I have to remind myself constantly to do as well but when I don’t do it, the dirty dishes pile up in the sink and on the counter. 

9. Beware of the extras

So I am talking about extra cleaning supplies, garbage bags, toilet paper, food. It’s easy to buy too much and have more backups than you have space for. My tip is to have space dedicated in your home for any extras and never buy more than you can store in those space. Everyone will have a different amount of space so only you can determine what is the right amount for you. 

10. Have a place to store things that are leaving

This means recycling, special recycling, and donation items. when I say special recycling, I mean anything that doesn’t go in your blue bin such as batteries, light bulbs, old electronics etc. This is something people forget about and all these items often clutter up people’s entrance areas. Some special recycling items can also be a safety issue so make sure you have a spot for it and it’s put away until you can take it out of your home. 

These are my tips for a clutter free home. Let me know if any of these tips are new to you. I hope you’ll give it a try. Until next time, choose joy, live well!