5 Ways the KonMari Method Changed My Life

May 21, 2021

We always hear about how life-changing the KonMari Method is so I thought it would be fun to share 5 ways my life changed after tidying up. I truly believe tidying up has helped me live a much more joyful and happier life.

1. Tidying up helped me take back control of my life

I feel like Tidying up helped me get back into the driver seat of my life. Before tidying up, I was not living intentionally. As a kid, my dream was to go to Fashion School and when I got into my top choice school, I felt like everything else would just fall into place. Maybe that’s why I stopped thinking about career goals. I became someone that was more or less just going along with the flow of things. If you looked at my previous employment history, I was a long term employee at every single job. I had a part time job working at the bank to put myself through university and I continued to work there until I couldn’t because I was working 7 days a week. My first full time job out of university, I was there for 8 years until we moved across the country. Tidying up helped me learn so much about myself and re-evaluate everything from my career to how I want to spend my time. It helped me live in alignment with my values. it helped me see clearly when my corporate job didn’t spark job and gave me the courage to follow y heart and start my own business. This was something I wanted to do for as long as I could remember but I never thought I could actually do it.

2. Tidying up helped me feel less stressed and more relaxed

Tidying up helped me feel less stressed. I no longer stress about people popping over unexpectedly. Packing up to go on a quick trip or a day trip was easy so we did a lot more day trips and picnics. Entertaining was no longer stressful so we started doing that again. One thing I noticed was when it was time to relax, I was relaxed. I didn’t think about all the other things I need to do, which made me much more relaxed and calm and I am able to just be in the moment. I also found that knowing everything has a home reduces a lot of my daily stress. I don’t worry about not knowing where something is and even when things gets a little crazy and messy, I know I can get it back to a tidy state in 10 minutes. That takes a lot of stress away.

3. Tidying up helped me feel more joy and happiness

Tidying up made me a happier person overall. The KonMari Method is all about keeping what brings you joy so everything I kept in my home are centered around joy. Seeing those items brought joy and stirs up joyful memories. I started doing more things that brings me joy. Spending time with people that brings me joy. Doing activities that brings me joy. When you start focusing on joy, you can’t help but be a joyful person.

4. Tidying up helped me be healthier

Tidying Up has made me healthier. after we tidied up, it became so much easier to maintain our home. Cleaning no longer feels like such a chore so we end up doing it more often. Having a cleaner home really helped with my allergies. Having a tidy space also made it easy to exercise. It wasn’t a big routine to move everything out of the way before I can do anything. It also became easier to cook so we ended up cooking more. Cooking was more enjoyable so I started seeing it as a fun thing to do rather than a chore. Prior to tidying up, we ate out most meals or ate a lot of processed food. It’s not like we don’t eat any junk food but currently, we only go out to eat less than once a month

5. Tidying up helped me improve my relationships

Tidying up has helped me improve all my relationships. Relationship with my husband, my child, my friends and even my family. My husband and I have been together for over 20 years. Throughout the years, I would classify our relationship as great. We get along really great, we love spending time with one another but when our home is cluttered, there are a lot more tension.I think just like how being in a cluttered environment can increase your corisol, when you’re in a tidy environment, you will feel calmer.

Because of all these reasons, I am truly grateful to have put in those hours of tidying back in 2015. It’s been over 6 years and I still benefit from the time I invested into my home every single day. If you’re still waiting for the right time to start, now is the time! Don’t wait until you’re ready because you may never feel ready to start.